Monday: Rahab’s Story and Our Own

Written on 02/17/2025

It would be a miracle greater than the Jewish crossing of the Jordan or the falling down of the walls of Jericho if Rahab, the Amorite prostitute, knew Latin. This was because Latin didn’t come to Palestine until the Roman conquest, which was about 1000 years after the days in which she lived. But if Rahab had known Latin, Rahab might well have described her situation in Jericho as “Rahab contra mundum,” which means “Rahab against the world.”

People who are students of early church history may recognize the words, contra mundum, because they’re the words that the early church father, Athanasius, used to describe himself in his situation during those early controversial Christian centuries. He died with many honors, and yet he had a very hard life because Athanasius was an orthodox, informed, and committed Christian in an age when, for long decades, the drift of the church was away from the orthodoxy of the Bible. What Athanasius really stood for in these years of the Trinitarian controversies was the deity of Christ. It seemed at times that Athanasius literally did stand against almost everybody. The emperors were against him. He was exiled from his bishopric in Egypt five times. The church was against him. It seemed for long periods that he had no friends at all. And so Athanasius used those words about himself: “Athanasius contra mundum”—“Athanasius against the world”—because he stood for the truth of God and the revelation of the Scriptures. And in the end, that God, the true God, vindicated him; and the theology that we have as the result of those great councils of the church is the result of his faithfulness.

That’s what I mean when I use these words in reference to Rahab, because in some ways Rahab was even greater than Athanasius. Athanasius at least had the Bible, but Rahab had no Bible. Athanasius had at least heard of Jesus Christ, but Rahab hadn’t heard of Jesus Christ. Yet, Rahab had heard of the God of Israel. And what Rahab had heard about this God was sufficient to evoke faith in her heart and bring her to a level of commitment in which she literally stood against her entire culture. What I want to say as we look at this story in some detail is that this is precisely what you and I are called to do. You are to be contra mundum—against your culture—if you’re really going to be faithful to the God of the Bible.