Why Should I Tithe?

Why Should I Tithe?

According to Joseph Pipa, "We need a robust theology of tithing" to remain faithful Christians. Jonathan and James sit down with Dr. Pipa to discuss his booklet, What Are the Benefits of Biblical Stewardship and Tithing?, in which he establishes the duty of tithing from both the Old and New Testaments and shows us that our stewardship is an essential act of worship that flows from the grace of God. In addition, there are spiritual blessings in this life for those who tithe.

"I see two things in particular – that it mortifies greed and covetousness, and it teaches us to live by faith. And then of course, it sets our eyes on heaven and laying up treasures in heaven, directing through that our hearts there that God would focus them on him." – Joseph Pipa

When we give faithfully, we and others enjoy blessings as the needs of the church are met at home and throughout the world.

We're giving away two copies of Dr. Pipa’s booklet to our listeners. Register here for an opportunity to win, courtesy of Reformation Heritage Books.