Pray for your Head of State

Written on 03/02/2025

Intercession 5.13 | ESV

For all orders and degrees of men among us, and all we stand in any relation to.

For our Head of State, that God will protect his person, preserve his health, and continue his life and government long a public blessing.

Give our ruler your justice, O God, and your righteousness, Psalm 72:1(ESV) that he may defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor. Psalm 72:4(ESV)

Let his rule be established with righteousness, Proverbs 25:5(ESV) and upheld with steadfast love. Proverbs 20:28(ESV) Give him long life and length of days forever and ever, and let his glory be great through your salvation. Make him glad with the joy of your presence: through the steadfast love of the Most High let him not be moved. Psalm 21:4-7(ESV)

Clothe his enemies with shame, but let him shine; Psalm 132:18(ESV) and continue him long, very long, as a foster father to your Israel. Isaiah 49:23(ESV)